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The website of the Nittany Grotto, Inc., a local chapter of the National Speleological Society, commonly referred to as Nittany Grotto, is provided to its viewers and members as an informational resource.
Reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. All information on this site is copyrighted by the Nittany Grotto, Inc. as set forth by copyright internet laws.
The Nittany Grotto, its officers, directors at large, members, and/or any other contacts representing the grotto, will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this website, its Nittany Grotto listserv via Google groups, and/or the Nittany Grotto News, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental punitive and consequential damages that may result from any of the information presented on this website, the Nittany Grotto Google Groups listserv, and/or published in the Nittany Grotto News newsletter.
The Nittany Grotto would like to remind you to cave responsibly, practice good landowner relations, and to honor conservation ethics. The grotto encourages all individuals interested in exploring caves to join an organized caving group, such as the Nittany Grotto, to which they can receive guidance and training on the above mentioned items. Caves can be Dangerous!
Always strive for safety. Safety requires training, wearing the proper clothing, having enough light sources, and always letting another person know of YOUR whereabouts.
Website & Listserv Contact:
Christopher Catherman, CAVR
NSS #48062, NG #1711 (Life), Nittany Grotto
Email: nittanygrotto(at)yahoo(dot)com 
Website Administrator and Listserv Moderator
Photo: Rappeling the entrance drop to Elkhorn Mountain Cave, West Virginia
The Nittany Grotto, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the content posted on this website and these disclaimers, terms, and conditions at any time.
Website online since September 2008.
Contact: NG Webmaster 
Copyright © 2008-2024. All rights reserved.
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