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Membership in the Nittany Grotto is open to all indivduals who are interested in the protection, study, and exploration of caves.

No experience is required, but you will be required to learn safe caving techniques, caving ettiquette, landowner relations, and the proper use of caving gear.

Regular Membership is $15 per year or $300 for a Life Membership. Family dependent members may join at half the cost of a regular membership. All student memebers of the Nittany Grotto Caving Club, also referred to as the Penn State Student Grotto,are automactically a member of Nittany Grotto as per the bylaws.

Membership runs from September 1st through to August 31st of the following year. First year members are eligable for "prorated" annual dues based on the month at which time application is submitted (see prorate table on Membership Application Form). Membership inquiries may be directed to any of the grotto contacts.

NGI Membership Application 

For your convenience, Nittany Grotto membership dues can be paid via Paypal to, as a credit card transaction via Paypal, or check.

Pay by Paypal       Pay by Credit Card

Membership in the National Speleological Society (NSS) is mandatory for officers and board members and is "highly encouraged" for all other members.

All members of the Nittany Grotto receive a mailed printed copy of the Nittany Grotto News (NGN) upon request. Color copies of the newsletter and other grotto information are available for viewing and downloading in Adobe .PDF format under the "Members Only" section of the website. (User ID and Password are required)

The Nittany Grotto Caving Club (NGCC), a student organization of the Pennsylvania State University, has gear for loan to new grotto members.


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